Report | 28 November 2018

Learning from Crisis Mode (Appendix)

Quartz Insights, in collaboration with the Brightline Initiative, set out to identify the ways that organizations can best leverage the experience of a crisis and use those learnings to improve the way they integrate strategy design and delivery.

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This appendix is a complementary resource to "Learning from crisis mode: Implications for better strategy implementation," an executive report created by Quartz Insights in collaboration with Brightline Initiative. It extrapolates all charts, drawn from the 15 overarching topics explored. Our survey, conducted in August 2018, polled 1,258 executives who have experienced a crisis, many from companies with annual global revenues of $1 billion or more (65%).

Participants spanned North America, Europe, the Middle East and Africa. Individuals in C-Suite positions constituted 52% of respondents, and organizations represented included for-profits (69%), government (26%) and non-profits (5%).

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